Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Join us for Christmas music at the Historium! On Saturday afternoon, December 10, at 1:30 p.m., as part of The Wonders of Christmas, the Historium will host three local choirs singing a wide selection of Christmas music. Other activities that afternoon include a parade, Little Miss and Mr. Merry Christmas pageant, craft and food booths, and the reading of the Christmas story. What better way to boost your own Christmas spirit a notch than to join this community event! First Christian Church, Theodosia United Methodist Church and the community choir led by First Baptist Church will take turns sharing songs they're preparing for worship. Come be a part of this small-town celebration of a special season.
Friday, November 4, 2016
In 2017...
In remembrance of the United States' entry into the Great War in 1917, we will be publishing a booklet of letters written by Ozark Countians who served in the military during that conflict. If your relative served in WWI and you have letters they wrote back home, please share them with us! Contact the Historium at 417-679-2400 or send a message to
Coming Soon!
Did your family have its photo featured on a Christmas card "back in the day?" If so, share yours with us, please! We're gathering as many of these gems as we can for an exhibit coming this winter. We can scan your original and give it back to you. Drop it at the Historium to have this done, or mail it to: Historium, PO Box 4, Gainesville, MO, 65655. We'll send your card back to you.
The Ozark County Historium Quilt Group will have
its next meeting on Friday, December 2, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Historium. This has turned into a really dynamic, fun group! There are about 16 women who are coming to all or most of the gatherings and are making progress on the blocks for the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt. Our goal is to have our projects ready to display in the Historium for Hootin an Hollarin 2017. We always welcome guests who'd like to check out the progress or just visit us for a while. We are so thankful to Virginia McMurtrey who has spent countless hours simplifying the sometimes-complicated blocks for us. And we're hoping to keep the group active, even after we finish our Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilts. This is really fun!