Friday, November 4, 2016


The Ozark County Historium Quilt Group will have its next meeting on Friday, December 2, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at the Historium. This has turned into a really dynamic, fun group! There are about 16 women who are coming to all or most of the gatherings and are making progress on the blocks for the Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt. Our goal is to have our projects ready to display in the Historium for Hootin an Hollarin 2017. We always welcome guests who'd like to check out the progress or just visit us for a while. We are so thankful to Virginia McMurtrey who has spent countless hours simplifying the sometimes-complicated blocks for us. And we're hoping to keep the group active, even after we finish our Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilts. This is really fun!